Our Mission:

We support the ideals & vital work

of the United Nations

The Mission of the United Nations Association of Southern Arizona (UNA-SA) is to provide education and support the activities of the United Nations. Chartered in 1964, the United Nations Association (UNA) is a non-governmental organization that enhances the relationship between the people of member states and the United Nations to raise public awareness of its global goals.

The United Nations Association - Southern Arizona Chapter is one of over 200 chapters across the United States that work with their local community and elected officials to inform, inspire, and mobilize Americans to support U.N. principles and its vital work.

The UNA Gift SHOP -

An opportunity to “purchase with a Purpose”

Our Mission includes providing financial support to UNICEF through net proceeds from the UNA Gift Store, which has operated since 1975. The store provides Tucsonans and seasonal visitors an extraordinary opportunity to purchase with a purpose.”

The tax-free shop carries diverse items from more than 90 countries worldwide. As much as possible, our items are handmade by artisans worldwide and certified by Fair Trade. We do our best to purchase goods from cottage industries.

All net profits from the UNA Gift Shop support UNICEF. Over 50 volunteers help run the store, donating approximately 14,000 hours annually.